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Suppose that µ(x) < ∞ and f X × 0,1 → C is a function such that f(·,y) is measurable for each y and f(x,·) is continuous for each x Then for every > 0 there exists a measurable set E ⊂ X with µ(E) < and f(·,y) converges to f(·,0) uniformly on Ec as y → 0 The solution is a modification of the proof of Egoroff's TheoremD v v P E µ o E Á } l W E } u o Ì } v U Z P µ o Ì } v X / v } } > v v P U & o o î ì î í Y µ l Z W d v v P v Á } l Ç P v v1 random v ec tor with mean µ y and v ar iance

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Ï ´ É µ â Ç ¿ Ä 5& ) 1 5 Í Æ ¹ Ç ¿ «Prove that the norm k·kX is induced by a scalar product, and thus X is a Hilbert space Show that {xn}∞ n=1 must then be an orthonormal sequence Solution We denote by S the linear span of {xn}∞ n=1 (the set of finite linear combinations of elements in {xn}∞ n=1)By property (b), we find that on S the norm kkX coincides with the ℓ2norm of its coefficientsD Z } v } o u W Á } E r v µ u } } µ E = í r v µ u

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µ Y I A A N U O A U A O N N 3mhz 3 E O O A N A O O A A O U A O Ss I O A A A A Th A Y A O O Ss U O A O A N A U N Wish

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